The Spa Dr. Blog

The Spa Dr. Blog

Go beyond clean beauty. Discover natural, healthy alternatives to your skin care, and make empowering choices for vibrant health.
4 Hyperpigmentation Myths Busted

4 Hyperpigmentation Myths Busted

Have you ever felt embarrassed by uneven skin tone, age spots, or melasma? Most of the time, skin discoloration is a harmless condition. But whether it occurs in small patches, large patches, or all over the body, many people feel self-conscious about uneven, hyperpigmented skin.

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5 Mature Skin Myths Busted

5 Mature Skin Myths Busted

We live in a society saturated with advertisements promising a quick fix for ageless skin. Unfortunately, many of these ads feed on insecurities and aren’t realistic about the truth: aging is a natural process, and women are beautiful at all ages.

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