The Spa Dr. Blog

The Spa Dr. Blog

Go beyond clean beauty. Discover natural, healthy alternatives to your skin care, and make empowering choices for vibrant health.
5 sensitive skin myths busted

5 Sensitive Skin Myths Busted

If you have sensitive skin that’s easily irritated and inflamed or you struggle with red, swollen skin, you have probably tried to cover it up with makeup, suppress eruptions with topicals, or have skipped essential steps in your skin care routine in an attempt to keep it clear.

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4 Dry Skin Myths Busted

Have you ever felt your skin looks chalky, flaky or extra dull? If so, those are signs your skin is dry. For many people, dry skin isn’t something that only happens when they travel to a dry climate or during the colder winter months. When your skin doesn’t retain sufficient moisture, it becomes dry and uncomfortable. In some cases, dry skin is so severe that you might feel embarrassed to be seen or feel uncomfortable in clothing. 

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