Are You an Emmett Skin Type?

emmett skin type

Do you have dry scaly skin? Maybe your skin is itchy too? Have you been diagnosed with allergies or an autoimmune skin condition such as eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis or vitiligo? Have you tried a variety of prescription creams, lotions and ointments that provide little to no symptom improvement?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you are most likely an EMMETT skin type. If so, your immune system is probably overactive or not performing at its highest ability. Luckily, a natural approach from the inside out can help you fight that inflammation and hydrate your dry skin.



(It’s quick and easy to learn if you’re an EMMETT)

EMMETT Skin Type Overview

Let’s look at exactly what it means to have EMMETT skin. It’s important to recognize the characteristics and root causes of skin conditions in order for you to naturally improve the health of your skin.

Common skin conditions for EMMETT skin:

  • Allergic skin reactions
  • Chronic itching
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis)
  • Keloids – a raised scar that does not improve over time and typically appears smooth, with pink or purple coloring
  • Patches of lighter skin called vitiligo
  • Psoriasis
  • Recurring acute skin issues or infections
  • Seborrheic dermatitis which typically occurs in the center of the face or scalp

What causes EMMETT type skin?

The three main root causes of EMMETT skin are:

  • Inflammation
  • Microbiome disturbance
  • Hormonal imbalances

These root causes all relate directly to autoimmune disorders, which is common with EMMETT skin types. Focus on adding anti-inflammatory and immune balancing foods to your diet.

A Holistic Approach For EMMETT Skin

You are an EMMETT type; therefore, it is important to address the root causes of your skinflammation. This will enable you to enjoy smooth glowing skin and your health can flourish too. Here are some tips on how to get started:

    1. Balance Your Immune Response
      To support a healthy immune system, eat a diet that includes nutrient-rich anti-inflammatory foods and avoid trigger foods that over-stimulate your immune system, such as sugar. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at my free (plus the cost of shipping) book, Clean Skin From Within
    2. Obtain Key Nutrients
      To address inflammation, it’s essential for Emmett-types to balance their immune response. This means including anti-inflammatory foods and key nutrients and avoiding trigger foods that overstimulate your immune system. Key nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D and B vitamins help support healthy skin and immune systems. You can consume these via a supplement such as The Spa Dr.’s Skin Hair and Nails or obtain them from foods. For example, green beans, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds are good sources of zinc, and broccoli and strawberries are good sources of vitamin C.
    3. Address Gut Issues
      Did you know much of the immune system actually exists in the gastrointestinal tract? Gut microbiome imbalance is a trigger for irritated skin and immune system imbalances in EMMETT types. When your skin microbiome shows signs of being compromised—dry skin, itching, or irritated skin—you’ll want to boost the good microorganisms internally. This will help restore your skin to a smooth, healthy glow. Eating probiotic-rich foods such as fermented vegetables or coconut yogurt is a great place to start. Taking a high quality probiotic, such as The Spa Dr.’s Microbiome Builder, can help address possible imbalances and hyperpermeability of your gut that triggers immune system overactivity.
    4. De-Stress Your Body and Mind
      Hormonal imbalances fuel the inflammation and immune reactivity of EMMETT-types. Enjoy daily stress management techniques to balance the stress hormone cortisol, such as breath-work, meditation, yoga and moderate exercise.
    5. Use Soothing and Nourishing Skin Care
      Your skin type needs soothing ingredients that also nourish your skin. For EMMETT Types, I recommend using all four steps of The Spa Dr.’s Daily Essentials Skin Care System both morning and night.

Easy DIY Skin Care Recipe

Natural skin care options can be really simple. Just check out this quick DIY non-toxic skin care recipe from my best-selling book, Clean Skin from Within to see what I mean.


The hydrating effects of coconut milk and almond oil make this cleanser great for EMMETT skin types who tend to have dry skin.

  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) organic unsweetened coconut milk
  • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) red or black grape juice
  • 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil

In a small bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, grape juice, and almond oil. Gently massage over your face for a few minutes. Remove with a warm, wet washcloth.

If not using right away, re-whisk before applying, as the ingredients may separate.

What People with EMMETT Skin are Saying

“These [The Spa Dr.] products are so gentle on my skin. My skin feels hydrated but not greasy throughout the day. I have very dry skin, but using this 4-step skincare system has made it not flaky anymore. I also love that I can remove eye makeup with the cleanser and it doesn’t bother my eyes. Fantastic that they are EWG verified as well.”
~ Michelle N.

Ready to Dig Deeper?

In this podcast episode I go over all five skin types and discuss some of the holistic approaches to overcoming the root causes of their individual issues.

If you want to learn even more about how you can improve your EMMETT skin type using natural approaches to achieve glowing, healthy, youthful skin… then, I’d like to offer you a free copy of my best-selling book Clean Skin from Within. It will guide you through a 2-week program for improving your skin from the inside out. It also goes into a lot more detail about all of the skin types and how to change your diet and skin care routines so they best suit your skin’s needs.

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  1. I am living in Europe, can your free book be shipped there as well, or do you provide a pdf version perhaps? Much obliged and kind regards. Gerard van den Akker

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