What Is Healthy Skin?

What Is Healthy Skin?

At The Spa Dr. we talk a lot about achieving healthy skin – but what does healthy skin actually look like?

Forbes estimates that the average American sees more than 4,000 ads per day. How many of those ads showcase a woman with smooth and poreless skin, no matter how old she is? 

With all we are exposed to today, it can be hard to know what healthy skin looks like. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t possible to have skin like a newborn baby or skin that is poreless. The ads we see are deceiving, so today I’m going to share what healthy skin is and how it varies from person to person. Here are 5 ways to recognize what healthy skin looks and feels like. 

#1. Healthy Skin Is Calm

What does your skin do when you touch it? If your skin doesn’t do anything, that is a good sign. Some people with very sensitive skin avoid touching it because it will turn red immediately or cause unpleasant tingling sensations. Addressing internal inflammation may help reduce this hypersensitivity. 

Another sensation you may feel is tightness or dryness.  This can be caused by using the wrong kind of skin care products. Skin care products with a high pH or harmful ingredients can strip the skin of its healthy moisture levels. This also compromises the skin barrier and leaves skin susceptible to dryness and irritation.

To help soothe and hydrate skin, use a pH-balanced skin care line such as The Daily Essentials 4-Step Skin Care System.

#2. Healthy Skin Looks and Feels Smooth 

Healthy skin looks and feels smooth, however, it is normal to have some texture. Skin that is flawless as glass is not achievable, despite what marketing may want you to believe. 

Most people have texture on their skin because of hair follicles. Sometimes excess texture can be caused by a buildup of dead skin cells. It may appear scaly or flaky. 

It is important to exfoliate regularly to avoid the build-up of dry skin. Gentle exfoliation using soft, circular motions once or twice a week can help you maintain smooth skin. If your skin is extra sensitive, start by only exfoliating once every other week. 

#3. Healthy Skin Is Unbroken

Healthy skin does not have breaks on its surface. Sometimes cracks and breaks occur from dryness, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or other skin issues. For example, eczema and acne can also cause broken skin. If you have persistent cracks or breaks in your skin, it is important to get to the root cause. 

If you have minor cuts or scrapes on your skin, you can use topicals to help heal skin naturally like comfrey and vitamin E. For open wounds, be sure to clean them thoroughly and seek medical attention if they don’t heal or you develop redness that spreads. Taking vitamin C and zinc orally can help speed up wound healing.

#4. Healthy Skin Has Consistent Color

No matter what tone your skin is, healthy skin will have a consistent color and even skin tone. Sometimes skin discoloration is caused by hormonal imbalances or nutritional deficiencies – and it can be embarrassing to deal with hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, age spots, or melasma. You may see these issues if you are an Amber skin type. 

Take The Skin Quiz to discover your skin type.

#5. Healthy Skin Is Hydrated

Adequate hydration is vital for your largest organ – your skin  If you are not drinking enough water, it will show up externally. Your skin may appear dull and dry. Plus, fine lines and wrinkles might be more exaggerated. Hydrated skin will appear more smooth and supple and shine slightly in natural light. It is not oily and it is not dry and may have bounce to it when you touch it. 

Healthy Skin Looks Different On Everyone

It’s important to be able to recognize when your skin is hinting that something is going on below the surface. I call the skin our magic mirror because it can provide valuable clues about our health. Get up close and personal with your skin and look for those clues. Then you can make lifestyle changes to support healthy and radiant skin from the inside out. 

One of the easiest ways to promote skin health is by drinking enough water, exercising regularly, and eating a nutritious diet – especially when you make changes to support your body moving through the seasons. You can learn more about how to support your skin and hormones in my new book, Natural Beauty Reset. 

Remember that healthy skin doesn’t mean having perfect skin. I understand what it’s like to feel self-conscious about having skin issues. We all have them from time to time! And many people have perceived skin imperfections – like scars or freckles – and still have healthy skin. It’s important to embrace what makes your skin unique because it is part of your natural beauty.

The Spa Dr.® Approach

At The Spa Dr.®, our approach is to help shine the light on the skin and health care information and offer our guidance to support you on your journey.

We’re offering a free 9-part documentary series – Hormones, Health & Harmony to help you balance your hormones and restore radiance. Register HERE.

My new book, Natural Beauty Reset, provides an in-depth look at how you can nourish your body and support your health and hormones through the seasons. You can order my book now on Amazon.

The Spa Dr.® offers natural skin care products that are safe and free from chemicals and toxins that can harm your skin and health. Our products are formulated to contain key nutrients in their pure and active form to provide optimal results. In addition, our products are pH balanced towards mild acidity to promote and protect a healthy skin microbiome.

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